Water, Sewer, Refuse & Recycling
Somerset Utilities bills monthly for water, sewer, refuse pick-up and public fire protection. This section contains information on these services as well as our annual water quality report.
Terminate Service
If you are moving and wish to terminate Somerset Utilities service in your name, please call us at (715) 247-3395 Monday through Thursday between the hours of 9:00 - 4:30 or Fridays 9:00 - 1:00.
Pay Village of Somerset Utility Bill
Need Assistance? West CAP may be able to help, click here for information
HydroCorp is currently conducting cross connection inspections for the Village of Somerset, please watch your mail to schedule an appointment if one is requested. For more information on cross connections please see HydroCorp's brochure.
The Village of Somerset bills monthly for water, sewer, pubic fire protection, refuse & recycling.
Village of Somerset's "Adopt-a-Hydrant" Program
Residents are encourage to help our Fire & Rescue Team by clearing 3ft. of space around each fire hydrant after it snows. This reduces the time it takes for Fire & Rescue teams to gain access to water in case of an emergency. Please consider "Adopting" a Hydrant, either near your residence or your place of work, doing so could save your house, your neighbors house and potentially peoples lives in an emergency. Please click on the icon to the left and follow the instructions on the blue welcome screen to "Adopt-a-Hydrant" near you.
The Village of Somerset contracts with Olson Sanitation for Refuse and Recycling pickup. Please contact Olson Sanitation directly at (715) 247-3440 if you have any pick up problems. Call the Village Hall at (715) 247-3395 or email info@villageofsomerset.us to set up refuse & recycling pickup.
What to Recycle: Pamphlet
- GLASS bottles & jars
- ALUMINUM, tin & steel cans and lids
- PLASTIC bottles, jugs, jars & food tubs (put plastic caps back on)
- NO Plastic Bags/Film (gather separately and bring to your local grocery store, Target or Walmart)
- NO Used Paper Products (can be composted)
Visit St. Croix County’s recycling website to learn more about how to Recycle Right, hazardous waste disposal, county collection events, the A-Z Recycling & Disposal guide and much more.
- What to Recycle and how to Recycle Right: Link-St Croix County website
- A-Z Recycling and Disposal Guide: Link-St Croix County website
- Collection Events for Tire, Appliance, Electronics and Hazardous Waste: Link-St Croix County website
- Recycling in St Croix County: Informational video
To make payments on your Somerset Utilities account:
- IN PERSON: You can drop off payments made by cash or check at 110 Spring Street ( a drop box is located on the front of the building)
- BY MAIL: Somerset Utilities / PO Box 356 / Somerset Wisconsin 54025
- CREDIT CARD: Somerset Utilities accepts credit card and debit card payments through GovPayNet. To make payments on your account by phone call GovPayNow 1-888-604-7888 or to make a payment online go to: www.GovPayNow.com You will need to know your account number and Pay Location Code #5334. (Click here for payment link) Payments may also be made using a credit card at the Village office (A fee for service will be added to the amount of utility charges due.)
- An Automatic Payment Option is also available