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Notice 03-19-2025 : In Person Absentee Voting March 18 - March 28th. Hours are as follows: 8am - 4pm M-Th & Friday (March 21st) 8am - 12pm & Friday March 28th ~ 8am - 5pm!

The Village of Somerset Municipal Court oversees non-criminal traffic and ordinance violations, keeping in mind the safeguard of individuals’ rights and protection of public interest.

Judge: Brad Nemec
The Municipal Court Judge is an elected position with a four-year term. The judge does not maintain regular office hours; You may contact the Municipal Court Clerk to make an appointment with the judge.

Municipal Clerk of Court: Colleen Heintz
The Municipal Court Clerk is responsible for the scheduling of all court appearances, collection of fines and maintaining the office records of the Municipal Court. After hour payments can be made in the drop box located at the front of the Village Hall.

Municipal Deputy Clerk of Court: Deb Revalee
The Deputy Court Clerk is responsible for assisting in the Municipal Court along with the Clerk and assumes the responsibility of the Court Clerk during the clerk's absence.

Municipal Prosecutor, Village of Somerset:  Bakke Norman, Attorney Deanne Koll
The Village prosecutor is present for all pretrial conferences and trials. The municipal prosecutor does not maintain regular office hours. Pretrial conferences are arranged by the Municipal Court Clerk, and the prosecutor’s office.

Court Conduct:

Remember that you are in a Court of law. While you are waiting for your case to be heard, please remain quiet while Court is in session and give others the courtesy to be heard while they present their case. Please turn off cell phones and pagers and remove hats.