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Notice 03-19-2025 : In Person Absentee Voting March 18 - March 28th. Hours are as follows: 8am - 4pm M-Th & Friday (March 21st) 8am - 12pm & Friday March 28th ~ 8am - 5pm!

Regular Office Hours | September 1-May 31

Monday-Thursday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Summer Office Hours | June 1-August 31

Monday-Thursday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Closed on Friday

2021 Snapshot of Tax Levies
2020 Snapshot of Tax Levies

To check where you vote visit the My Vote Wisconsin website (click here)

Dog licenses are handled by the village clerk's office.  Forms are available at the village hall or here. All dogs need a license which is renewed annually by January 31.  Nuetered/Spayed dog licenses are $5.00 and Non-Nuetered /Spayed dog licenses are $10.00.   Cats do not require a license.

To make payments on your Somerset Utilities account:

  • IN PERSON: You can drop off payments made by cash or check at 110 Spring Street (a drop box is located on the front of the building) 
  • BY MAIL: Somerset Utilities / PO Box 356 / Somerset Wisconsin 54025
  • CREDIT CARD: Somerset Utilities accepts credit card and debit card payments through Allpaid. To make payments on your account by phone call 1-888-604-7888 or to make a payment online go to: You will need to know your account number and Pay Location Code #5334. (Click here for payment link)  Payments may also be made using a credit card at the Village office  (A fee for service will be added to the amount of utility charges due.)
  • An Automatic Payment Option is also available(click here for the form)

Olson Sanitation provides refuse & recycling carts. Contact the Village Hall at (715) 247-3395 to request carts. They will be delivered by Olson Sanitation. Refuse carts are available in three sizes (96 gal, 64 gal or 32 gal).  Contact Olson Sanitation directly at (715) 247-3440 with any problems with pick up of recycling & refuse.

Grass clippings, leaves and bundled cut up branches are collected by the Public Works Department. Call (715) 247-5555 and provide your address. Place bundled tree branches and brush in lengths of less than 4 feet and under 50 lbs. curbside. Leaves & grass must be in compostable bags weighing less than 50 lbs. Keep yard waste separate from refuse collection.

Additional meters can be installed to monitor water used for watering lawns, filling pools etc. Click here for more information on outside water usage.

Refuse & Recycling are picked up on all Holidays. Your pickup day will not change unless you are notified by Olson Sanitation or the Village offices.

Property taxes for the Village of Somerset are collected by St Croix County and may be mailed to the St Croix County Treasurer at 1101 Carmichael Road, Hudson, WI 54016 or they may be dropped off at the St. Croix County Government Center or paid online. (Click here for link to St Croix County Property Tax Payment Options)

No person shall park or leave standing a vehicle or trailer attended or unattended on any street within the Village of Somerset between the hours of 2:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. from November 15 through April 1 of the following year. (Village ordinance 10-1-(e))